Co Parenting Agreements

Co-Parenting Agreements: The Key to Successful Parenting After Divorce

Divorce is a difficult time for everyone involved, especially children. As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that our children are not caught in the middle of the disagreements that led to the separation. Co-parenting agreements can help you and your partner create a plan for successful parenting after divorce.

What Is a Co-Parenting Agreement?

A co-parenting agreement is a formal agreement that outlines the responsibilities of each parent after a divorce. The agreement is designed to establish the expectations for parenting, including scheduling, communication, and financial arrangements. A co-parenting agreement can be created by both parents together or with the help of a mediator.

Why Is a Co-Parenting Agreement Important?

Co-parenting agreements are important for several reasons. Firstly, it sets clear boundaries and expectations for both parents. This means that there is no confusion about who is responsible for what. Secondly, it helps avoid misunderstandings and disagreements in the future. Having a written agreement will prevent arguments over scheduling, finances, or other issues that may arise.

Creating a Co-Parenting Agreement

A co-parenting agreement should cover all aspects of parenting and take into consideration the best interests of the child. Here are some key elements to include in a co-parenting agreement:

1. Custody and Visitation: Include details about how time with the child will be divided between each parent. This should include a schedule for holidays, vacations, and special events.

2. Communication: Decide on the best way to communicate with each other, whether that be through email, text message, or phone calls. Also include information about how to handle emergencies and important decisions.

3. Finances: Detail how financial responsibilities will be divided between the parents. This may include child support, healthcare costs, education expenses, and other costs associated with raising a child.

4. Dispute Resolution: Establish how disputes will be resolved and who to turn to if there is a disagreement.

Enforcing a Co-Parenting Agreement

Once a co-parenting agreement is in place, it needs to be enforced. This can be done through the court system or by mediation. If one parent fails to comply with the agreement, the other parent can take legal action to enforce it.


A co-parenting agreement is a great way to ensure successful parenting after divorce. It provides a clear plan for both parents and helps avoid misunderstandings and disagreements. By taking the time to create a co-parenting agreement, you can make life easier for everyone involved, especially your children.